Thoughts on Final Project

I love Enoshima, and last year I bought a surfboard from this guy.
Turns out this guy started the first surfers association about 20 years ago.
He's traveled the globe hitting the dopiest surf spots, before they were crowded.
He's like in his 60's, and he's mellow.
Then I started seeing him on my line up.
Swell after swell he would just sit their looking off at the horizon
A couple of times he gave me advice about my stance, or my position on the wave
The adviced helped, but after 30 minutes passed and he didn't go for any waves. it was strange
Finally this HUGE wave came out of no where. Me and the other 50 guys in the lineup tried to catch it. and failed
but this old dude managed to catch it and hold on to it.
it was sick.
Therefore, for my final project I would like interview this man about his life. Specifically finding out what he did before the surf shop, the association, and how all of these projects came about.
Last week I went and asked if he would be available for the interview and he said it would be fine.
Now I need to draft some questions

Thoughts on We Got Us

Music: Badfish~Sublime~40oz. to Freedom

Now this flick was about four older women that looked to be in their 70's-80's
Each woman talked about her life experience such as growing up, husbands, and numerous problems with old age.
The film worked with the viewer's emotions. The documentary was very human.
I related with the women because on of them reminded me of my great aunt that lives in New York.
She sits around with her friends playing cards. They gamble, but at the end of the day it's not just chips


3 Day Project: Day 3

Today I went there with a mission: an interview

I tried talking to the girl on my left but it ultimately failed.

Talking to the guy to my right stopped as soon as I pulled the recorder out

The woman I was able to interview was a lady named Charlotte.

Click the link below to download it


3 Day Project: Day 2

Back at my favorite cafe, today I took notes
What I learned:
About 3/4 of the people in there are female

The males in the cafe are with females or studying

The hardest seats to get are the couches, next the windows, third is the balcony.

I noticed a lady teaching English, she was there yesterday

And Krispy Creme is next to the Starbucks. GENIUS
(most of the people had a donut from Kripsy and coffee from Starbucks)

Tomorrow is the big interview

3 Day Project: Day 1

Today I started the three day project

Everyday I pass by Yokohama. I love Yokohama. So I decided Starbucks would be the best place.

Sitting in this place just drinking coffee, is entertaining

At 6:30 pm, the cafe is filled with school kids, working people, and people just looking for escape.

It's loud.

Smells like coffee

And I wanted to help the kid studying english next to me. Maybe next time